Sunday, September 28, 2014

School and Power Tools

School has started for both Jonny and I now.  Jonny is loving teaching.  He is always trying his best to keep physics fun and enjoyable for all of his students.  I am only 3 and a half weeks in but it seems like a semester due to already having 7 tests accompanied by 3 practicals in the lab.  But life is always busy so what is actually new?  
Jonny and I have officially started building houses as of yesterday.  We were in some pretty hard rain (at least for Utah) but we were still able to work for about 2 hours.  I am excited and nervous at the same time.  It was actually really fun to use the power tools but I am nervous because I feel like I have no idea what I am doing.  Jonny and I are extremely lucky though because nearly every guy in the group has some sort of experience with a part of the building process.  We are all hoping to get in, do a good job, and get 'er done!  We just pray for good weather this winter.  Yesterday Jonny and I also got to pick out the details of our house.  Such as cupboards, siding color, flooring, carpet, countertops, light fixtures, etc.  It was stressful!  My word, I kind of freak out because it is permanent/extremely expensive to change.  But, we are happy with how everything turned, lets just hope we think the same when we actually get the house done :)

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